The General (1926)


The General is a movie based on a Soldier who is trying to Enlist during  Civil War . To impress/win his sweetheart who wants him to enlist, he attempts to enlist in the Army, but is unable to because he is  value to the south as a railroad engineer. Not knowing this, The General  makes several attempts to Enlist but however he fails and is ashamed of this.


 when the General tries to Enlist and fails he looks at the other applicants that are on the same line as him and wonders why they are approved, He tries to check physical of himself and other applicants, he also tries and use different name and job title to see if they will enlist him in the army.


The Train Helps to Understand how much  Knowledge he had as an engineer for example when he removes Pieces/tools on the trains and it also helped him when some train trucks were removed i gave him an idea on what was going on with the Train that his sweetheart was on.

If this film was made with visual language that we have today it will one of the most funniest comedies, i 0 it would have the most interesting actors that would made this story stand out more


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